I have a secwet!!!

xena in the cane chair


Mommy and I are creating a special book.

Its called A Kitty’s View, an interactive children’s book!!!!

For kids and cats!  You will be able to share with each other.

You will be able to talk to me and ask me questions on the new kitty page.

The book though is special.  It will have my stories.

You will get to tell stories about you, in a very special place!

And there is a coloring section!

So you will get your Mommy and Daddy to buy you our book and then you will be able to share with other kids and most important, you will talk to me! Puuurrrfffeccct.

It is coming very soon.

We are so excited!!!!!!!





What My Mommy Doesn’t Know!

xena by Dave

What my Mommy doesn’t know…I watch her carefully to make sure she is ok

She is always in motion and when I get comfortable on her lap she moves off to do something else.

I wish she would relax and let me cuddle for as long as I like.






What my Mommy doesn’t know…as her fur baby I am always very concerned for her.

When she is sick …I lick her well.

When she is upset…I rub against her and purrr, and cuddle close.

When she is sleepless…I attach myself to her tummy so my purrr with rock her to sleep.





What my Mommy doesn’t know is that all the surfaces in the place are mine.

I happily share them but all beds, couches, chairs, counters, tables, surfaces all kinds including the sink are mine.


My Mommy knows a lot, she loves me, but just between us, she does not know everything!!!

Doris Day inspired My Mommy to ask landlords to allow babies like me into apartments.

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My Mommy loves Doris Day and Doris loves little ones like me.

We were watching an old episode where Doris wrote an article about pets that need homes and that landlords need to allow people to adopt cats and dogs.

I was on Mommy’s lap and she bent down and kissed me, rubbed the side of my face and the top of my head.

Mommy always does that but she wanted to let me know at that moment that I was loved.

That show was a long time ago, Mommy was as little as I am, yet it is worse now then it was then, it is harder and harder to find someplace to move to. And Mommy was inspired and asked me to write this to put out the word.

We need homes.

You need us to love you. We need to love you.  It mutual love.

We do not do damage if our Mommies and Daddies teach us how to behave correctly.

Please let your landlord know you want a pet, write petitions, canvas the area.

It is especially important for people like my Grandmother, older humans need pets like me to love.

I am not sure if you know my Mommy rescued me, I was alone, in the rain and starving till Mommy found me.

I love her and she loves me.

Till next time…. Meow!


My Busy Day

20140208_193210Xena in hotel

I always to be up high, one of the best things is to be on the top of chair, looking over the shoulders of my family.

So where ever I am I love to be up hi, I sit and watch over my Mommies home office,;


And I keep tab of things for her.

I love to be high up but I also love to cuddle in bed;



I have had a very busy schedule so I am going to wish you all a good night 🙂



Xena; The Warrior Kitty

Xena The Warrior Kitty, and the Wall

xena relaxing in the bathroom


Why do cats stare at walls?

My Mommy is asking me that.  Though I love her, she is human so she just don’t understand.

You see we like to look at the shadows, the tiny bugs that might be there, and the way the light plays with us.

So to us kitties its like a movie.  Mommy loves to watch the big flickering box.

She always kisses my head and pets me behind my ear while I am watching the wall.

That’s OK, I love Mommy’s kisses as much as I love watching the special wall entertainment.


Till Next Time,







Nap Time

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What humans do not understand is that we kitties need our naps.

And because we are smart enough to take many short naps during the day we can stay up all night and play.

I hunt flys and spiders that Mommy and Grandma can’t get or see.

I play with my toys, play and claim all the things I can rub against and I play with my sleeping Mommy.

So most of the day I sleep except when I smell food.

I love Tuna. When I see tuna I know it’s for me.  I am there.

Wagging my tail, jumping on my Mommy’s leg and letting her know I am here and ready for my tuna.

Napping is very important, it makes purrrrrfecttttlllllyyyy happpppy.


Xena 🙂



Iz Sticky Outz

xena guarding the door63770_516309685076295_1756383758_n

Mommy, I don’t like dis hot stickyness.

My beautiful fur iz comin off everywhere. And I know you make sure I am cool but it does not take away the sticky.

Thank you for opening the door last night, itz cooler and I getz to watch all the people.


Didz you know they say hi to me.  But some are mean and theyz just walkz by me. Don’t they know Iz special?

You alwayz tellz me Iz special and beautiful so dontz they know that?


Well it is cooler today so Iz feel better and Iz knowz you and Grandma do too.


I loved the ice water you have been giving me. It feelz good against my liddle paw.


Iz love you, Mommy.


Xena, Warrior Kitty!